Important: If you delete a shortcut, the original file is not deleted.
To permanently delete the shortcut, empty your trash. Right-click the shortcut you want to remove.
To paste the shortcut into the new location, press Ctrl + Shift + v. To copy the file to the clipboard, press Ctrl + c. Use keyboard shortcuts to create a shortcut Tip: You can create a copy of a shortcut in a Drive folder, but you can’t create a shortcut to another shortcut file. Nice The only downside I noticed in switching from Google Drive to OneDrive is, OneDrive's web view doesn't (currently) have a handy 'Upload folders' option, like Google's. Or you can select and download individual folders. Choose where you want the shortcut to be. Clicking that 'Download' button with nothing selected simply downloads everything, as one zip file. Right-click the file or folder you want to make a shortcut for. Shortcuts make it easier for you or your team to find and organize files and folders in multiple Google Drives. A shortcut is a link that references another file or folder. Tip: Users can move across browser windows. To create a shortcut of the file into the new location, press Ctrl + Shift + v. To paste the file into the new location, press Ctrl + v. Important: This functionality is only available on Chrome. Use keyboard shortcuts to move to a folder Tip: To move items into any folder in Google Drive, go to the left panel. Move the item over the folder and release it. Tip: If you move folders with a lot of files or subfolders, it takes time for you to find the changes. You can do this while you view an item on: There are multiple ways to move items to a file or folder. A shortcut is created in the destination folder instead. Important: To move a file, you must have permission to move the file from the source to the destination, otherwise the file won’t be moved.