Names like Reggie Miller, Ray Allen, Kevin Durant, Dirk Nowitzki, have contributed to the growth of shooting in today’s game but none have been more impactful than the all-time 3-point king Steph Curry. You can debate all you like about which era of basketball is superior but there’s one thing you can’t argue & that’s the evolution of shooting. The game has more pace, skill, and spacing today because of the jumper. The game has evolved from the old days of needing to have an inside presence or post player consistently dominating the game. The biggest skill that has separated today’s game from other eras has been shooting. Whether you’re a 6-foot guard like Damian Lillard or a 7-footer like Joel Embiid, skill is not specific to positions or physical attributes of players anymore.

The game of basketball today is arguably at its peak in terms of skill and talent.